Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Difficult Phrase Position Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Difficult Phrase Position Paper - Essay Example tians who overreact on the cases of immorality by interpreting the phrase their own way making it say more than what it was originally intended to say. A number of commentators who have written about 1 Timothy 3:2 have concluded that the phrase means that it is not a must for an elder to be married. They contend that the phrase simply tries to say that if a man is married, then he should be faithful to his spouse and exhibit marital fidelity and not be polygamous, a man of many women. The reason why marriage is not a must for one to be a church leader is argued from Paul’s point of view. Paul was neither married nor did he have children so he would not insert a qualification that would exclude him. It is noted that Paul spoke of the advantages of his own single state in 1 Corinthians 7:8,Paul expresses that celibacy is the most optimal state in which an individual is able to serve the Lord. The main idea here is that a man does not qualify as a husband of one wife because he has no wife, to be a man of one wife one has to have a wife. Personally the marriage view should be eliminated as it places an undue emphasis on a candi date’s married status while the text is more concerned with on a person’s character. The marriage issue lacks enough scholarly support its claims. This first understanding as meaning married to the church simply communicates that a man must be completely dedicated to the work of the church in order to qualify as an elder. In this view, the word wife is seen as the church or wife of Christ. In Eph 5:23) the church is alluded to as Christ’s bride. In Lange’s commentary Oosterzee refers to this position though it is often doubted because of his Roman Catholic origin. According to Kent, the view was an obvious endeavour to protect the Romish doctrine of celibacy for the priests. Being married to the church makes it irrelevant to marry a literal wife. Thus 1 Timothy 3:2 cannot be used to make the priests get married. The view was also

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Topic - Essay Example This paper aims at discussing the motif of water and ways that it brings people together or keeps them apart. The novel â€Å"The Gangster We Are Looking For† portrays the ways in which water led to displacement of Americans and how refugees of Vietnam and American war-Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians among others were displaced and fled across the pacific to new countries (Manh 32). Throughout this novel, water comes out as the main prominent motif. From the beginning, the author inserts that, â€Å"in Vietnamese, the word water and nation, homeland, and country are all the same and one (Huang 76). In, a similar manner, the concept of water plays a major symbolic role in varied ways throughout the entire text often with opposite/dual meanings. Most of the portrayed themes in this novel associates and entwines with water flow. The novel â€Å"The Gangster We Are Looking For† shows how water led to separation of Vietnams families in America (Ryan 35). Despite the thin character and plot development in this novel, many readers come away with a common overall sense (the sense of mourning). By the time a reader reaches the last two stories/chapters, he or she finds it is clear that misery drives much of suffering and pain in the novel more that the culture shock of settling in America. The family narrated in the novel is still reeling and mourning for the loss of their son (Huang 78). Additionally, the way the son lost his life while Ba was still in prison leads to separation of the family members from each other and from their mother’s community. One of the images that portray the dangers water poses to Americans Vietnams is that of the pool. People did away with the pool due to its dangers by filling and replacing it with the plant. Despite all the boat/water/drowning imagery portrayed in the book, the idea of the boys leaping themselves from the balcony into the pool depicts both senses of freedom and danger symbolized by the concept of water in