Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Review Of Stephen King And Fast Food Nation By Eric Schlosser

Mr. Revels told us in class one day that his job was to prepare us for the future and harder classes to come, and to fix everything that we didn’t learn, or learned wrong in previous classes. While it may be only the third week of school I feel as though we have done so much in his English V honors class to help us become better readers and writers, and undo or revise our learning from previous english classes. The main focuses in Mr. Revel’s english class so far can be split up into five different categories; pre-course reading, grammar, vocabulary, Foster, and active reading. Our pre-course reading included On Writing by Stephen King and Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser, both of these novels were very different and taught us†¦show more content†¦This was the first novel that we used our new active reading skills on and kept an ongoing synthesis throughout the book. This brings us to our fifth and final category which is active reading. We first learned how to do active reading on a short story by Errol Morris called â€Å"There is Such a Thing as Truth† this included making new headings for paragraphs, asking questions while reading, identifying and defining unfamiliar words from the passage, and identifying main ideas. We also practiced on â€Å" The Culture of Martyrdom† by David Brooks and â€Å"What’s In Your Toothpaste?† by David Bodan is then we created a synthesis for both which put all of your annotations into one neat document for you to understand. We have done so much so far in Mr. Revel’s class to help us become better readers and writers and just an all around better student and most things we did worked and helped to improve those skills. So far the active reading style has helped me the most to become a better reader. Picking out the important ideas and quotes in general from a piece of writing and taking notes on it helps keep the focus on the piece and prevents the mind from wondering. It also helps give a better understanding of the work. Also taking notes myself and then being able to see and compare them to Mr. Revels gives me a better understanding of how to pick out

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